Trevin and President & Sister Shulz

Trevin and President & Sister Shulz
Arriving at the Mission Home, President & Sister Shulz

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hey Mom.

Dad is right. He's right most of the time but not always;). I'm starting to really like it here. I like the people a lot more and the food. I love fu fu now. It is my favorite thing to eat. We've done a few service projects. There is a guy in our branch that is building a house and we helped him move the dirt for his floors into his house, and we have fetched water for this other lady in our ward that cant get it her self.

I don't know how I feel about being a trainer. I still feel like I'm following Elder Mortensen a lot. When I was in the MTC I was the leader of our companionship so I think that when I'm put into that position I will do good. I just don't feel like I've been out long enough. But i'ts not a set thing yet I could still just get another companion. So we'll see.

I hope that Jaren does better with the computer school. I'm glad to here about Kadyn and Carsen. I think they will do better then me and Jaren combined will ever do. Kadyn really loves those books. I'm glad, they are really good books.

Haha I got the guitar tabs, but they are hard to figure out. At home I could listen to a song to figure it out but not here. But they will be fun. I still haven't received that package so I hope that it will get here soon.

Haha my shoes are doing good. They will last me for a long time.  I dont think that I will have any problems with them. But I do need some things. So first that whole tie bleeding thing doesn't happen so if you could send some of my old ties that would be nice. I feel like I wear the same thing everyday because I only have 5 ties. You're really going to hate me but my scriptures the blue ones with my name on them. I need them. I didn't have enough room in my bags for them but I need them. Sorry! I need an answer on the washing machine thing. Mortensen needs the money soon or he's going to sell it to someone else. I think that I can get him down to 120 cedis. It would be awesome if you could send some food spices here. They don't have much. But like oregano, cinnamon, I make a lot of french toast, pepper just stuff like that. And candy! But that's it. And by the way I want you to make a list of all the stuff you send me or how much the packages cost. i feel bad that your paying for most of my mission and all this extra stuff. I want to pay you back.

Prez. and Sis. Shulz are awesome.  They do a lot for us and really do treat us like their kids. I love them. lder Mortensen goes home on the 15th of November. I'm his last companion. P days are good. We either play soccer or american football. Mortensen plays with us. He didn't play in school he did track but he's good. So its good. Our p days most of the time are more tiring then normal days. We go to football then we go to town to get the stuff we need. We walk a lot and carry a lot of stuff. There is one other companionship in our apartment. Elder Gibson and Elder Sesay. Elder Gibson's really cool he's from Enoch Utah and we're good friends now. Elder Sesay is from Sierra Leon. He's ok he likes to break rules though.

We haven't been able to see Grace in two weeks. We don't know where she went. We are hoping she comes back. But we are teaching a couple other people that are moving towards  baptism. But I'm not going to jinx it by saying they will.

I can't wait until christmas. I don't know much on how it works. Just that we are given a call card and that we call that night. Mortensen said that we can talk for an hour or two they don't really have a set rule. But when I find out more I will tell you.

So I guess I will talk to you next week. I miss you and I love you!


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