Trevin and President & Sister Shulz

Trevin and President & Sister Shulz
Arriving at the Mission Home, President & Sister Shulz

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Email from July 9

hey mom,
haha so yeah ummmm.... we didnt have any of our baptisms this week. ha
this week has been something else. first we had a problem get the
district leader to come to mankessim to interview our candidates and
then when he did come we olny got 3 of them interviewed. so we were
one short. and then i was calling the other elders to fill up the
fount in yamoransa and they had no water so i called our ZL in cape
and there fount was being r tiled. but the ola elders had a baptism
scheduled for sat also in ola so we tried to get in with them but then
the cancelled their baptism. so we decided to cancel it. so right now
we are looking for a date. but we are going to have 5 baptisms with
our next baptism whenever that is.
the rest of the week was ok. we got our phone chips. so we all have
new numbers and were trying to figure everyone's numbers. me and my
companion are just going. prez. said that he wanted to talk to us on
tuesday so we will see what happens. im pretty sure that we will not
be together next transfer.
thanks for getting that for me. i got elder mortensens old guitar. he
gave it to his first son elder rosquist and he gave it to his brother!
ME! to its just being passed through the family. but the only tab that
i can think of is if you could high to kolob. other then that just
sound like everything at home is going good. i really wish that they
had 4th of july here. i missed it a lot. but not to much more time
until i get to be their again.
well i dont have much more to write so i guress i will go. but i love
you guys!!! talk to you later.

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