Trevin and President & Sister Shulz

Trevin and President & Sister Shulz
Arriving at the Mission Home, President & Sister Shulz

Monday, September 5, 2011

Teaching the gospel and learning to love to pray!

Hey Mom and family,

Things are going great here. We are teaching this guy named Kennedy and his 2 sons right now.  I think that they are the most progressive people that we have. We set up a date for baptism on the 2nd of October. I think that they will follow through with it. So many of the people that we teach here don't care. They say they will do things just so we will leave or they just want us to teach them, but they don't want to go to church. I know why dad hates liars so much. I know exactly how he feels. I get lied to everyday and about everything. Hey Jaren, Kadyn, and Carsen dont lie to mom and dad! We are also teaching this guy named Richard. He's a Seventh Day Adventist and wow it's different stuff,  but he is really interested.  I wish that I had learned a lot more about the other churches and what they do in their church. It's interesting stuff and it's easier to teach them when you know how they work.

I cant wait for the packedges and letters to get here. They said that it takes about 2 weeks to get mail from the U.S. to here, but it takes three weeks for it to get there. So tell eveyone to be patient and they will receive letters. I miss the food at home so much. If you tell anyone to send me something tell them to send food anything that will make it here without going bad.  And candy,  I want real candy not the crapy stuff they have here.  Haha they have ice cream here but its more of a vanilla shake in a bag, but its still good. Hey if you havent sent my shoes out yet don't send them. My shoes are getting destroyed and I can buy cheaper ones here, that will be better then messing up my good ones. So keep them at home for me or give them to Jaren that would be better then sending them here. If you have already thats fine I will still use them.

I really think that I'm going to come home way different then when I came. There are so many things that I won't put up with anymore.  Like our apartment was so dirty when I got here, now i'ts so clean.  I can't live in something so dirty. Thank you mom,  I think that was you.  I really want that flag it will be nice to have up on the wall.
I started reading the the Book of Mormon again when I got here too, and I noticed the same thing. I'm already to the Book of Ether and and have learned so much more. I also wish that I would have studied the Bible more. They teach us all about the Book of Mormon in church and stuff but I can't use that right now. Even in the MTC, they said to teach out of the Book of Mormon, but if they don't beleive in it you cant teach it. A lot of what is in the Bof M is also in the Bible. They understand when you teach it that way, but half the time I don't know where to find the stuff they need. Elder Mortensen knows a lot and can connect the scriptures perfectly.  I'm glad that he's my trainer and that I can learn from him.

Haha to be honest, I didn't pray all that much before I left but thats changed. We pray all the time. I have found that I feel better and my day goes better when I do. I pray for the whole family all the time and anyone that I consider family. I love to pray now.

Everything is going good here. I love you all and Thank you for the support.

I love you,

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